Thursday, 30 June 2011

Stress management in ayurveda

Stress management
How to detect the origin of body

Begin with the body

The human body is one of the most intelligent, resilient structures in all the creation. The kapha dosha rules body framework, holding bones and muscles together and providing support and strength. As long as you use your body well,  the kapha dosha makes sure your body performs at peak levels.

But when you tax your body  beyond reasonable limits, or simply do not use it enough, you start accumulating toxin ama inside your body.More specifically, kapha imbalance robs the skin of lubricant and become stiff.The tongue is coated with ama and the breath smells stale.The knees look dull and devoid of ojas.

Another way in which a stressed body created imbalance is by disturbing the vyna vata, the vata deputy that governs circulation, blood pressure, and the sense of touch. If your blood pressure, and the sense of touch. If your blood pressure is high, your nerves on edge, or your circulation sluggish, it is probably your vyna vata calling out of relief.

These distress signals can seem terribly alarming, but if you give your body some tender loving case the damage can be rapidly reversed. Start by making a list of the small ways n which you have been misusing or abusing your body. Are you giving it too much exercise, too little exercise, or not enough rest? Have you been reading in low light, watching television too closely, not sitting erect? If you answer "yes" to some or all of these questions, don't feel sorry. Instead, rejoice. You have done something remarkable, you have discovered the root cause of your stress. Now you can restore balance to your body without reaching for a pill or making a doctor's appointment..

De-stress your body in three Easy Steps

1.Drink plenty of water.Nothing tones up the digestive system like a regular sip of lukewarm water.This is important because, more often than not, the stresses that burden the mind originate in the gut. Warm water helps flush out the toxins that throw kapha out for balance and lead to problems like bloating and water retention. At the same time, water balances vata, which, when aggravated, can cause stressful digestive problems like constipation. Water ( at room temperature) also calms pitta, which though blessed with a strong digestive fire, can be plagued by acidity and ulcers. the answer to all three problems:irrigate your body: drink more water.

2.Take a fresh look at your daily quota of exercise.If you spend most of the day sitting at the desk, your digestion can slow down, encouraging toxins to build up inside your system. There fore, you will benefit by working a moderate amount of exercise - an easy-paced twenty-minutes walk, for example - into your schedule. On the other hand, too much exercise also throws the doshas out of balance. In that case you should stop exerting and start making time for some rest.Eat a peace-promoting snack. In Ayurveda, certain foods are identified as natural stress busters. Among them are walnuts, almonds, coconut, lightly cooked juicy fruits like pears and apples, milk, fresh homemade yogurt, ghee and fresh cheeses such as Indian-style homemade paneer or ricotta. If your body is feeling stressed, get more of these ingredients in your diet.

Move on to your mind

Do you think all the item but without clarity, work hard but without enthusiasm, and lie in bed without sleep? If yes, your stress has its origins in your mind. In Ayurvedic term, these are classic symptoms of an out-of-balance vata.

Follow simple ways 

Five ways to balance your vata

1.Don't work Long hours at the computer : it saps the mind of energy.
2.Don't stress over a niggling problems: it makes you lose your calm, thus disturbing vata.
do get up and take a walk in between jobs, even a short break can restore calm in both body and 
3.Change coffee breaks into herbal-tea breaks. Good quality Ayurvedic herbal teas contain healing 
herbs such as brahmi, ashwagantha and arjuna. Extensive modern research has established that 
the herbs bra mi enhances all three mental capacities. Ashwagandha is an effective weapon against 
physical fatigue. And arjuna heals the emotional aspect of the heart.Thus, just one cup of herbal 
tea can take you from stressed to rested within minutes.
4.Allow yourself the luxury of a natural walk, and evening spend among flowers, a healing nap. 

Such calming activities recharge your batteries and are very pleasing.

Examine your emotions.
Do you notice a pattern so far? Physical stress is connected largely with a kapha imbalance, and 
mental stress with vata disturbance. Logically, then emotional problems should be related to 
pitta. More specifically, emotions are the terrain of the dosha. Ayurveda recognizes that deep-seated stress is always related to emotional problems.The most common among them are marital conflicts or the loss of the loved one. Because the situation that creates emotional stress is generally traumatic, it is also more devastating than any other kind of stress. People going through emotional turmoil can suffer from chronic depression, highly toxic bottled-up anger, nightmares, and terrible insecurity.

Five ways to satisfy your pitta
Appease your sadhaka pitta with sweet,bitter, and astringent foods.
Comfort it with sweet, juiced fruits in the morning or during the day. deliciously flavored sweet lassi in the afternoon, and warm milk at night.
Calm it with the healing goodness of cooling herbs and spices such as cardamom, cilantro, and mint.
Don't rush or skip lunch. To soothe between meal hunger pangs, snacks on something wholesome like fruit or a whole-wheat bagels.

More stress solutions
In addition to these targeted remedies, Ayurveda has some excellent therapies that can vaporize any kind of stress - whatever its origin and intensity. Here are some key recommendations.

Get good sleep
When you deprive yourself of good sleep, you violate every Law that is precious to Ayurveda, you cannot eat regular meals because your appetite is poor, this in turn, slows down digestion, results in toxins buildup slowly, the toxins make you feel irritated and fatigued, and your strain affects your performance, your relations ships and your life. In such a state, you cannot hope to be creative, calm and happy.

Ayurvedic healers studied sleep in great depth and observe several natural rest-friendly aids.Here are some
Eat an early dinner. Avoid eating after 7.00PM  when digestion is slow and even light foods sit in the stomach and interfere with good sleep. Ideally, your physical digestive processes should be completed before you get into bed.

Do some pre sleep preparations.About an hour before you get into bed, start switching off heavy sensory inputs like the three hankie tear hiker on television. Such in formations accumulates ama in your mind, causing disturbed sleep. Now prepare for the night ahead, light some aromatic candles to create an ambiance of peace, listen to soft music, or just lie down and breathe deeply.

Drink milk and honey. Just before you sleep, drink a glass of warm milk with a little honey in it. This has a settling influence on the mind and the body. Although this is an ancient remedy, modern medicine has now established the link between milk and good sleep; milk contains the amino acid trepidation, which releases serotonin, a brain chemical that makes sleep come easily.Never heat honey, as this eliminates its beneficial qualities.Adding a pinch of nutmeg or cardamom to the milk also promotes better sleep.

Go to bed early.Try to go to bed to 10.00 PM .In you are in the habit of staying up late, aim to achieve this in gradual stages on the first night try going to bed half an hour earlier than usual. This will help set your bio machinery in rhythm promotion better rest. If you work night shifts, follow the rhythm of your body and mind which will tell you when they need rest and how much. The simplest thing to do is ; sleep when you feel sleepy.


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    Syndrome Fibrodysplasia Ossificans ProgresSclerosis,Seizures,Alzheimer's disease,Adrenocortical carcinoma.Asthma,Allergic diseases.Hiv_ Aids,Herpe ,Copd,Glaucoma., Cataracts,Macular degeneration,Cardiovascular disease,Lung disease.Enlarged prostate,Osteoporosis.Alzheimer's disease,
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